Thursday, May 21, 2009

Carriers need Wi-Fi, but can it keep up?


Every imaginable type of handheld device is embedding Wi-Fi these days, as users demand wireless access at home, in the workplace and in public venues. Meanwhile, media-rich data traffic is quickly clogging 3G operator networks. This is driving carriers to use Wi-Fi more strategically to augment their broadband wireless plans. It’s not an opportunity 4G makes obsolete, either. The problem is, can Wi-Fi keep up with the situation?

Wi-Fi is a bubble threatening to burst under the weight of its own popularity. And unless something is done to help the technology reach farther, go faster and with more wire-like reliability, that just might happen. Lucky for all of us, there are breakthroughs in Wi-Fi technology promising to solve this mess by providing much more efficient and adaptive ways to transmit and receive radio signals...