The Legal Infrastructure of Business: Will the Broadband Stimulus program create a meaningful long term economic impact ?
The Legal Infrastructure of Business: Will the Broadband Stimulus program create a meaningful long term economic impact ?: "Under the new Obama administration, a stimulus program designed to directly impact the economy was recently set in motion.US$7.2 Billion is earmarked for the broadband stimulus program and is to be managed by RUS (Depart of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service) and NTIA (Department of Commerce's National Telephone Information Administration). The first round of funding is to be completed before year-end, and hence the initial avalanche of applications has begun. It is obvious that this will benefit the Telecom vendor community. However, an unintended beneficiary of this program is also the legal and consulting companies that are helping the target companies craft applications to be submitted for this program. Nonetheless, this will get certain parts of the economy moving."
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