Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nonprofits sometimes on cutting edge of technology - Business Center - PC World

May 21, 2009

Cash-strapped nonprofits may not be the first place many would think to look for novel uses of technology, but it turns out some of them are on the cutting edge.

Take the Nature Conservancy. It recently equipped a couple of scientists for a trip across Africa's Namib desert on foot. "We draped solar panels on the back of a camel, gave [the scientists] a light notebook with low power requirements and digital cameras," said Jean-Louis Écochard, CIO for the Nature Conservancy. "Throughout the journey they could upload images of biodiversity, rhino habitat, they could keep in touch and write a blog." Incidentally, at one point a camel took off carrying a new Macbook, causing a several hour detour for the chase...