Friday, June 19, 2009

More consumers pay even more for broadband

The good news is that consumer adoption of high-speed Internet is increasing. The bad news? They're paying a lot more for it. According to new research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, U.S. broadband penetration now stands at about 63 percent -- up from 55 percent just a year ago.

While Pew points out that broadband penetration among low-income households has grown some 34 percent over the course of the last year, the rates of adoption are still painfully low. In households with income of $20,000 or less, broadband penetration is just 35 percent, up from 25 percent a year earlier. For those making between $20,000 and $30,000 annually, broadband penetration has increased to 53 percent, up from 42 percent in the previous year...