Tough times lead to biz-listing boom on Craigslist - Boston Business Journal:
Business is booming on Craigslist’s Boston site. As of August, listings in the Boston site’s “business” category — where business owners go to sell unneeded furniture and equipment — have doubled over the past two years, a Craigslist spokeswoman said. Similar listings quadrupled nationwide, she said.
The listings include everything from office supplies to entire businesses — such as La Bella’s Fine Foods, a catering and café business in Medford that the owner says needs a capital investment to get profitable again. Craigslist’s overall traffic has grown steadily through the recession. In August 2009, the San Francisco-based online classified marketplace saw 11.6 million more visitors than it saw in August 2008. The site’s 25.6 percent growth, compared with its traffic a year ago, vastly outstripped the Internet at large, where the number of monthly users grew by 4 percent in the same time frame...
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