Monday, June 28, 2010

Work of Connect Ohio, Connected Nation recognized

Chris Pugh
Connect Ohio

Efforts of Connect Ohio and its parent organization, Connected Nation, to expand broadband adoption and access have been touted in recent hearings held on Capitol Hill.

In testimony before a Congressional subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet, U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R, OH-5), lauded the work of Connected Nation and Connect Ohio, specifically the research on broadband adoption in the state and commitment to public-private partnerships. “Connected Nation has been a key component at raising awareness (in Ohio),” Latta said in his opening remarks.

Connected Nation Chief Policy Officer Laura Taylor also provided testimony during the hearing, which was held to discuss the recent National Broadband Plan. Her testimony explained how Connected Nation’s efforts have helped bridge the digital divide across much of the nation.

U.S. Rep. Zack Space (D, OH-18) applauded Connected Nation’s “great work” done in overcoming the first hurdle to broadband expansion – mapping, calling Connected Nation “one of the nation’s leaders” in broadband mapping.

Space also said he has a lot of faith in the work being done at Connect Ohio and cited the map of Ohio’s broadband coverage as proof.

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